Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies

Style Guide

Further information

  • Future issues
  • Ian Brash prize

Please download the Limina style guide below.

Style Guide 2022 [PDF, 267.2 KB]
Updated 3 Apr 2022

Plagiarism Policy

Defining Plagiarism

Plagiarism most commonly refers to the intentional and uncited use of another's writing in work an author claims as his/her own. However, 'self-plagiarism' in which an author reuses his/her own previous work without proper citation also sits beneath the umbrella of plagiarism. Other types of plagiarism include legal dimensions such as copyright infringement, as well as ethical ones such as inadequate acknowledgement of someone else's ideas or data. Poor paraphrasing of such things is just one of the ways an author can unintentionally plagiarise.

Limina's Policy on Plagiarism

Limina does not condone plagiarism of any type, intentional or otherwise. If any plagiarism is noted, either by our editorial collective in the initial screening, or by our peer reviewers at any stage of the reviewing process before publication, the author will be informed and asked to rewrite the concerned section or add the required citation. If the plagiarism is on a large scale, that is at least 25% of the original submission is plagiarized, the whole article will be rejected. If plagiarism is detected after the journal issue is published, an editorial note will be added to inform readers of the fact, and the author's employer may be notified of the breach. Our policy aims to both inform our contributors about acceptable and ethical academic publishing practices, and to preserve a very high standard for the articles we publish in Limina. Turnitin is used as plagiarism detecting software in accordance with DOAJ.

For further information, see the Future Volumes page.

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Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies

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Last updated:
Wednesday, 15 November, 2023 3:04 PM