Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies

White Gaze Saving Brown Queers: Homonationalism Meets Imperialist Islamophobia

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Raihan Sharif

Washington State University, USA

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White Gaze Saving Brown Queers: Homonationalism Meets Imperialist Islamophobia

In asylum cases, some western countries use global gay discourses and teleological developmental narratives to (mis)recognise non-Western queerness. This paper investigates a number of queer asylum cases to explain how the set conditions for a queer asylum status in those countries tend to reinforce homonationalist ideologies underpinned by global gay discourses. Consequently, some non-Western queers are compelled to bring forth a particular brand of personal disaster spectacle that validates ingrained imperialist Islamophobia in host countries and beyond. The paper argues that under the rubrics of provable persecution, the shock value in the personal disaster spectacle of Muslim queers in their home countries is utilized to validate another pervasive violence: reinforcement of Islamophobic ideologies that are used to justify the ‘war on terror’.

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Updated 14 Dec 2015


Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies

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